Software Companions - Gerber and HPGL Viewers

CAD / CAM Software Solutions 

ViewCompanion 1.x History

You will find the latest updates of ViewCompanion here

  • Version 1.52
    Released 20 April 2001
    Bugfix 170: Monochrome raster not shown at all.
    Bugfix 168: Monochrome raster not shown correctly.
    New: Added support for raster fonts.
    New: Added support for more raster types.
    New: Added support for clipping (IW).

  • Version 1.51h
    Released 03/01/2001
    Bugfix 166: Monochrome raster not displayed correctly.

  • Version 1.51f
    Released 01/11/2001
    Bugfix 162: Monochrome raster not exported to PDF correctly.
    Bugfix 163: Polygons not filled correctly when exported to PDF.
    Bugfix 164: Error on encoded polygon fixed.

  • Version 1.51e
    Released 11/23/2000
    Bugfix 156: Monochrome raster sometimes loaded in wrong color.
    Bugfix 159: Some files not detected correctly.
    Bugfix 160: Copy to clipboard did always copy with color even if the monochrome setting was enabled.
    Bugfix 161: Monochrome raster was inverted when exporting to PDF.

  • Version 1.51d
    Released 11/07/2000
    Bugfix 157: More RTL raster placement errors fixed.
    Bugfix 155: Some RTL raster types not handled correctly.
    Fix: PS files had wrong colors when exported.
    New: Shading now implemented (HPGL FT command).

  • Version 1.51b
    Released 10/30/2000
    Bugfix 154: More RTL raster placement errors fixed.
    New: Raster now saved to AutoDesk DWF format.
    New: Raster now saved to Adobe PDF format.
    New: User can now drag file from explorer to a printer icon to print a file. This requires that the extension(s) must be reregistered from the Tools->Options->Other property page.

  • Version 1.51a
    Released 10/22/2000
    Bugfix 151: Raster sometimes loaded using wrong colors.
    Bugfix 153: ViewCompanion had an 64 page limit. Can now handle unlimited number of pages.
    Additional fixes for wrong raster placement.

  • Version 1.51
    Released 10/12/2000
    Bugfix 144: Now only inverts color for exported files when "adjust color" flag is set.
    Bugfix 145: LO (label/text orientation) not fully supported.
    Bugfix 146: Some RTL raster shown with wrong rotation.
    Added support for AF (Advance Frame) command.
    Added support for linewidth when exporting to DWF format.
    Added support for German characters.
    Now remembers paper size between sessions.
    Faster text drawing.

  • Version 1.50d
    Released 07/25/2000
    Bugfix 143: Problems with some hpgl files containing large filled areas when converting to PDF.
    New: Added handling of BR (Bezier Relative) and BZ (Bezier) commands.

  • Version 1.50c
    Released 07/04/2000
    Bugfix 140: Some files not recognized because of "invalid" chars in comment command (CO).
    New: Now remembers printer orientation between sessions.
    New: Raster now saved to EMF and WMF formats.
    Fixed: Some text was lost when converting to DWF format.

  • Version 1.50b
    Released 06/23/2000
    Bugfix 139: Some files containing RTL raster data crashed ViewCompanion.
    New: Added panning hand function. Replaces pan to center function.
    New: Reintroduced HPGL/2 as export format.

  • Version 1.50a
    Released 05/18/2000
    Bugfix 133: Double clicking on associated file didn't work if Tip-of-the-Day was enabled.
    Bugfix 136: Wrong linetype in converted PDF files.
    Bugfix 137: Some files caused VC to hang during PDF conversion.

  • Version 1.50
    Released 05/01/2000
    New: You can now create compressed PDF files.
    New: You can now rescale the converted file.
    New: EMF (Enhanced Metafile Format) support added.
    Bugfix 126: Missing lines in some files.
    Bugfix 127: Areas not filled correctly.
    Bugfix 129: Text problems. Didn't support CR as label terminator.
    Bugfix 130: Strange text in some converted PDF files.
    Bugfix 132: Registering more than one extension at once didn't work.
    Bugfix 134: ViewCompanion now shows a error box if loaded file is not supported.
    Wish 135: It is now possible to enter an user extension and associate it with vc.
    Plus other minor fixes.

  • Version 1.45
    Released 03/20/2000
    New: Added command line options for controlling printing and conversion. See help file.
    New: Added DDE command for conversion.
    Bugfix 115: Showed some lines and raster that should not have been showed.
    Bugfix 116: Didn't correctly handle change of scale inside the HPGL file.
    Bugifx 117: Some files was shown with wrong colors.
    Bugfix 118: Wrong extents calculated for some files.
    Bugfix 121: Bug in handling for encoded polylines.
    Bugfix 122: Changing Arc resolution in Options didn't had any effect.
    Bugfix 123: Some information was not exported when converting to PDF format.

  • Version 1.41
    Released 01/24/2000
    Bugfix: Batch Printing didn't work properly if no pentable was selected.

  • Version 1.40
    Released 01/18/2000
    New: Now exports rotated files if the viewed file is rotated.
    New: Now exports monochrome files if monochrome flag is set.
    New: Save and load of pentable added.
    New: Now can use pen table when doing batch printing.
    Bugfix 111: Line thickness problems.
    Bugfix 110: HPGL files with wedges failed.
    Bugfix 109: RTL raster supported.
    Bugfix: ViewCompanion sometimes crashed when running on NT 4.0.
    Bugfix: Printing of multiple pages of a multipage HPGL file is now possible.

  • Version 1.31
    Released 11/18/1999
    New: Print Displayed Portion feature added.
    New: Pentable support added.
    Bugfix 107: Exported PDF files sometimes was missing left or bottom lines.
    Bugfix : If background color was changed in options, the screen was not redrawn.

  • Version 1.3
    Released 10/28/1999
    Added batch printing and conversion.
    Optimized for faster loading and redrawing.
    101 When printing screen was corrupted.
    105 Some areas not filled.
    Wrong colors in exported files.

  • Version 1.2
    Released 9/22/1999
    Added more DDE commands to make integration with other applications easier.
    Added support for multipage HPGL files.
    Added new information dialog with pen statistics.
    Didn't get correct local time if time was printed.
    Online Help updated.
    Minor HPGL bug fixes.

  • Version 1.1 Build 72
    Released 9/04/1999
    DDE fixes.
    Now prints time and date dependent of the regional settings in Windows.
    On some printers a small portion of the drawing was missing when
    "Fit to Page" option was used.
    It is now possible to select multiple files from file open dialog.
    New file info dialog.

  • Version 1.1 Build 69
    Released 8/16/1999
    Not dependent of IE40 + anymore (Doesn't use rebar anymore).
    Arrow keys can now be used for panning.
    Added initial zoom and rotation options.
    Minor HPGL fixes.
    Double clicking of files in Explorer doesn't start a new instance of
    the program if it's already running.
    Added "poster" mode for printing. This means that you can print a large file
    on several pages if the current paper size is smaller than the file.
    Eg.: Print an A3 drawing on two A4 pages.

  • Version 1.0 Build 64
    Released 8/01/1999
    ViewCompanion Build 63 will not run unless You have installed
    IE 4.01 or later.
    This is caused by the use of a function in the SHELL32.DLL
    called SHGetSpecialFolderPath. This function was introduced with
    IE 4.01.
    ViewCompanion now only uses this function if IE4.01 or later is

  • Version 1.0 Build 63
    Released 7/30/1999
    Added support for Microsoft IntelliMouse for zooming/panning.
    Added use of bitmap for faster panning. Since this feature consumes
    some amount of memory it can be turned off. (Un check the "Minimize Redraws"
    check box in Option dialog to disable this feature).
    Now remembers last save and load path.
    Added Tip Of the Day.
    Added Online Help file.
    Now saves compressed DWF files.
    Minor bug fixes.

  • Version 1.0 Build 59
    Released 7/21/1999
    Added Windows Metafile as export format.

  • Version 1.0 Build 56
    Released 7/18/1999
    Added Gerber RS-274X as export format.

  • Version 1.0 Build 50
    Released 7/15/1999
    First version released on WEB.